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Agricultural Technology Park Administration Center, MOA


  • Superior geographical environment

    1. The Park is located in Pingtung in southern Taiwan in tropical climate zone. With long summer and ample sunshine, the area is suitable for growing a variety of tropical crops.

    2. The main roads of the Park have direct link to the Changjhih Interchange of National Highway No.3. It is within 35 minutes drive to highway, Kaohsiung Harbor, Kaohsiung International Airport and THSR Zuoying Station.

  • Single-window service delivery

    1. The Park Administration is in charge of administration and management. The single-window service delivery enhances administrative efficiency. 。 The Park Administration is authorized to handle the following matters:

    (1) Company or factory establishment, registration and revocation, cancellation and revocation, importer/exporter registration, issue of import/export permit for general goods, issue of certificate of origin, issue of international import certificate, delivery verification certificate and assurance certificate for the import of strategic high-tech commodities.

    (2) Building management, issue of building permit and Park land use control.

    (3) Issue of certificate of completion in connection with the Regulations for Encouraging Agricultural Enterprises in the Newly Emerging, Important and Strategic Industries, Regulations Governing Application of Investment Tax Credit for Investment in Agricultural Equipment or Technology, or Regulations Governing Application of Investment Tax Credit to Profit-Seeking Enterprises as Shareholders of Biotech or New Drug Companies.

    (4) Review, issue and extension of permit for establishment and operation of fixed pollution source, review of industrial waste cleanup plan, review and registration of water pollution preventive measures and discharge permit required for business establishment or change of business.

    2. The entire Park is in bonded zone, and with customs officials stationing in the Park, provides customs clearance, bonded and onsite (livestock/poultry breeding facility) inspection and quarantine services. The Park also provides integrated import/export approval and customs clearance services to expedite the customs clearance procedure.

  • Abundant manpower supply

    There are more than 50 colleges and universities in Southern Taiwan. The academic research and technical/vocational resources in the area have cultivated abundant professional manpower for Park enterprises. Coupled with the manpower database and placement services of the CLA Employment Service Station, Park enterprises can easily find local manpower, which helps reduce employee turnover and the costs of providing accommodations for non-local employees.

  • Comprehensive business start-up advice and technical support

    1. The “Academia-Industry Consortium for Agricultural Technology Park” combined with neighboring universities and research institutions promote and bring about interactions and exchange of technology and personnel among Park enterprises.

    2. The research units of Council of Agriculture (e.g. Kaohsiung District Agricultural Research and Extension Station, Livestock Research Institute, Animal Health Research Institute, etc.) offer technology licensing and engage in technological exchange with Park enterprises.

    3. The Park Administration has set aside budget to fund the R&D projects of Park enterprises up to 50% of the project cost.

  • Stable supply of raw materials

    1. The Park is located in Pingtung with abundant agricultural resources. The Park has set aside budget to subsidize farmers’ and fishermen’s associations as well as agricultural cooperatives that have entered a production cooperation contract with a Park enterprise to operate satellite farms.

    2. The Park has planned the establishment of experimental farm with a total 1.90 hectare in area and 16 units for rent. Each unit is about 960 square meters for Park enterprises to carry out planting R&D.

  • Complete public facilities

    1. The residential compound of the Park includes detached villa, duplex villa, and apartment. It has been completed in 2008 and is available for lease by Park enterprises to provide safe and comfortable accommodation to their employees.

    2. The commercial service compound “Fortune Hall” has been in operation since January 2012. It provides banking, commercial, dining and shopping services to Park enterprises.

    3. The Park has pipelines and conduits laid for water, electricity, gas, telecommunications and sewage and has points of divergence set up on the land of factory buildings.

  • Diverse marketing channels

    The Park plans for Park enterprises to participate in domestic and overseas trade shows every year to help expand their business and establish diverse marketing channels.