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Agricultural Technology Park Administration Center, MOA


Park enterprises shall be companies limited by shares or their branch offices organized in accordance with the Company Act of the Republic of China or foreign companies with equivalent forms acknowledged by the government of the Republic of China, and shall meet one of the following requirements:

  • Having the capability of researching and developing agricultural technology and undergoing integrated product development plans;
  • Could bring in and cultivate domestic agricultural technology professionals with the nationality of the Republic of China in the process of production or R&D;
  • Having a R&D department established that engages in the R&D of agricultural technology and its R&D expenditure shall account for a certain percentage of its total sales, and having certain research equipment and facilities;
  • The products of agricultural technology under development having potentiality for development and innovation;
  • Relevant agricultural technology researched, developed or applied having been patented domestically or overseas; or
  • Its business plan is in line with government’s agricultural policies and development plan and will contribute significantly to domestic economic or agricultural development.