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Park Development

  • Park Development

      The Park has completed all necessary infrastructure systems, including roads, rainwater/sewage drainage system, street lighting system, power and telecommunications systems, water and gas pipelines, and common conduits to meet the needs of Park residents. All piping and cables in the Park are buried underground and common conduits are installed to facilitate management. Landscape design in the Park features six parks and plantations, pedestrian walkways, and eco-lakes. The Park prides itself on more than 40% of green coverage rate, making it a biotech industrial park surrounded by trees and plants.

  • Hardware Facilities

      Completed hardware facilities:

      (1) Dormitories have been completed in December 2008 to provide housing services for Park residents.

      (2) The standard plant units of Tiger Village, a one-story building totaling 5,600m2 in area, are now full and leased to 14 companies.

      (3) The standard plant units of Dragon Building were completed in June 1, 2010. It is a building with one underground story and four stories above ground. As of May 21, 2012, 23 units have been signed up by 20 companies.

      (4) The Special Animal Vaccine Zone with total floor area of 7,273m2 occupies 2.48 hectares of land. Its phase 1 with 3,636m2 in floor area has been completed in June 2010 and turned over to lessee Reber Genetics Co., Ltd.

      (5) The water treatment plant commenced construction on February 13, 2009 and was completed on December 21, 2010, and put into service on April 21, 2011.

      Projects in the pipeline:

      (1) Armed with the advantages of tropical climate of southern Taiwan, favorable location and professional teams, Yaitai Operational Center for Aquaculture will offer the functions of R&D, breeding facilities, quarantine and inspection, packaging, export and logistics center. The center is scheduled for completion in the spring of 2013.

      (2) The construction of a new water tower has begun on March 21, 2011. As of October 31, 2012, 89.80% of the project is completed, including imitation stone paint of service reservoir, gutter system and interior refurbishing.

  • Yaitai Operational Center for Aquaculture (YTOCA)

      (1) In light of the Park’s advantageous geographic location, R&D capacity, complete ornamental fish supply chain and colonies of agricultural and biotech companies, ATP proposed to the Executive Yuan the construction of a world’s first large aquatic production and sale base that streamlines R&D, breeding, inspection and quarantine, packaging, export and marketing operations that will turn the Park into an operational center for aquaculture. With Yaitai Operational Center for Aquaculture (YTOCA) in operation, Taiwan is expected to surpass Singapore and Southeast Asian countries to become a world’s hub known for ornamental fish and aquaculture products.

      (2) To help expedite the inspection, quarantine and customs clearance operations for YTOCA residents that export ornamental fish or aquaculture products, ATP, based on an innovative idea, will construct an “Aquatic Products Import/Export Control System” that will link up with the customs clearance system to reduce the time it takes for exporters to complete the inspection, quarantine and customs clearance operations. This way, YTOCA residents will enjoy more advantages to compete effectively with exporters of other countries.

      (3) To provide Park residents and enterprises in the vicinity of the Park with comprehensive warehousing, packaging, sorting, container yard and inspection services, YTOCA will establish a “Logistic Center” and invite customs, Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, and R&D units to station in the center. Such resources integration will help enhance the international competitiveness of Park residents.

  • Living Amenities

      To provide Park residents and neighborhood residents a wide variety of living amenities, ATP has planned and constructed a living zone – Fortune Mall, which is now managed by Timing Fortune Co., Ltd under an operate-transfer (OT) contract. Currently Fortune Mall houses a convenience store, an agricultural and biotech product display area, banquet hall, and restaurants, and plans to bring in more commercial services, such as bank, law firm, venture capital, accountant, OBU, human resources company and intellectual property consultant.