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Agricultural Technology Park Administration Center, MOA

Green Park

Green Park

The Park was conceived and built based on the idea of co-existing with the natural environment and the concepts of biotechnology, production, living, eco-friendliness and life. Through low-density development and coupled with excellent air and water quality, low-carbon, pollution- free processes, and resources reutilization, and vigorous environmental control, the agricultural and biotech products produced by Park residents are not just high added-value products, but also environmentally friendly green products. It is hoped these efforts will turn the Park into a green paradigm and a sustained and innovative science park in Taiwan.

Public Art

According to government regulations, planning and installation of public arts must be a part of a major public construction. The Park has installed public arts to instill an atmosphere of culture and art for the enjoyment of employees of Park residents, Park visitors and residents in the neighborhood, while beautifying buildings and environment of the Park.

Eco - tour of the park