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Agricultural Technology Park Administration Center, MOA

Industry Clusters

Key industries that the Park aims to develop include functional foods and biotech cosmetics, fish breeding and aquaculture products, biopesticides, biofertilizers, animal vaccines, biotech testing and OEM/ODM service, and environmental control facilities. Park residents are gradually developing a supplementary and upstream/downstream supply relationship among themselves, and furthermore, forming an extensive supply chain with enterprises outside the Park, hence creating powerful cluster synergies. Currently Park residents have formed six industry clusters as shown below:

Six industrial clusters
Natural health and beauty industry
Functional foods, modern Chinese medicine, biotech cosmetics, edible and medicinal mushrooms, etc.
Fisheries and aquaculture biotechnology industry
Ornamental fish, aquaculture products, aquatic peripheral products, etc.
Bioagricultural materials industry
Biofertilizers, biopesticides, plant nutrients, etc.
Animal biotechnology industry
Animal vaccines, feed additives, livestock probiotics, etc.
Biotech testing and OEM/ ODM service industry
Animal and plant virus testing, food safety testing, biotech OEM/ODM services, etc.
Energy conservation, environmental control and agricultural facilities industry
Solar/wind energy cultivation, environmental control facilities for aquaculture, etc.